Congratulations to my repeat VIP Joey and the Kiddo’s on the purchase of your new home!!!
While looking for that perfect home to start anew, we put in quite a few miles traveling Saskatchewan. Though road tripping with you was more than fun, neither of us knew that your home-to-be was waiting for you the whole time in good old Saskatoon. Upon viewing this adorable home, you knew instantly it was The One. Figuring it was just another day at the RENE negotiation table, a strategic offering strategy was discussed and implemented only to be blown apart when circumstances revealed that your perfect new beginning home was already in negotiations and almost about to be sold to another. Well…Not on my watch! Knowing all too well this was your perfect home, the one you wanted. I kicked into lightening speed and though you had to make some fast decisions and had a bit of a tense waiting period, in the end I was successful at stealing away this house and securing it firmly into your hands. Timing is everything in Real Estate and your wish was my command. In the end you bought a wonderful house and gained a story to tell for years to come.
It’s been an absolute pleasure working with you again and sparing our sarcastic humor. I wish you all the best moving forward as you build wonderful memories within these walls. Thank you for your loyalty, trust, ongoing support and friendship.