Congratulations to my newest VIP Tyler on your ABR® purchase of a TOP FLOOR CONDO OVERLOOKING A GOLF COURSE!!! ⛳️
I was so excited to finally get to work with you when you reached out for my help based on both your sisters’ highly recommending my service. Upon first consultation, you were already way ahead in the preparation stages and just needed my help as an ABR® Realtor® to make buying a condo, a reality. Though our market was low on supply and property was selling at the speed of light! I quickly was able to provide you with potential condo options and after discussions we viewed your top choice asap. It was a great option, however in my heart I felt that the unit that just came on the market that day, could be an even better match, so I checked in with the listing agent to book a viewing, only to find out that we had less than 25 minutes to get to the condo and view it before another viewing was occurring. So even in my high heels, we booted it to the condo by foot (as it was faster to walk than drive) and sure enough, it was “THE ONE”. I knew it!!! You were starting to really see the speed of the market but this was just the beginning for you; 3 hours later, this condo was locked down and conditionally sold to you. Competition flushed out and under asking price secured after being mere hours on market. You did amazing! FOR THE WIN! WHEW!!! ✊ #victorious #ABR® #RENE
Thank you for trusting in my advice after only first meeting me and going with my presented negotiation strategy designed specifically to secure this condo for you at the best value possible. Your willingness to trust in my abilities, take the potential risks and play the market odds with me is beyond appreciated; And I didn’t let you down. It was an absolute pleasure working with your sisters throughout their real estate needs and you were no exception. I love being your family Realtor!!! Please know I will always be here to help you, your friends and family whenever needed for years to come. Wishing you great times and golf pro status enjoyment as you settle into your new home.
BIG Thanks to my VIPs’ Brett & Nicole, for your referring kind words of recommendation of my service, loyalty and continual support. Heartfelt gratitude & appreciation. Thanks for liking how I sell real estate. ❤️
Shared Shout out thanks to Erica Bratzer, Affinity Credit Union for providing speedy quality work to secure final financing days ahead of deadline – Cheers to working with you again for all our mutual Affinity clients and to Samual Bergerman, Bergerman Smith LLP for once again providing excellent legal expertise.