Decades of Top Notch Service – No matter what!

Congratulations to my repeat VIP Dustin & Holly on your #SRSSOLD!!!!

When you have been a Realtor® for as long as I have, you get the honor and privilege of becoming a generational Family Realtor.  I’ve had the pleasure of representing your parents with all their real estate needs; first meeting you when you were just a child; to then helping you as a first-time buyer to purchase this condo and now the pleasure of representing you being a first-time seller, now that the time was right for you to make a change.  I’ve always promised and delivered top notch service & representation  to you and your family and once again, this was no exception, providing an SRS Conditional sale on your condo at full market price, mere days after listing it…..and then just hours before the sold closing deadline…buyer backs out…un-saveable….RESTART & IMMEDIATE damage control marketing….3 days later….FULL PRICE SRS SOLD pt2  #SRS® #RENE

Thank you for trusting in my selling strategy designed specifically for your condo and implementing what was asked of you. Change can be tough and real estate can be confusing, scary & challenging, so I appreciate very much your trust in me as your guide and voice of strength throughout this roller coaster process.  Anything worth having in life, often takes risks.

I’m honored that you once again chose me to be your Realtor®, your Seller Representative Specialist, and grateful for your decade+ of being a loyal VIP client and supporter of how I sell Real Estate.  I will always be happy to help should you or anyone you know need any assistance in the future.  Wishing you the all the best life has to offer. ✌️


For a personalized SOLD, call a Seller Representative Specialist (SRS®)

Congratulations to my newest VIPs' Nataliya & Alexander on your #SRSSOLD!!!!

Being a seller losing hope & frustrated with having no previous success in achieving a sale on your property, you vented out to a mutual friend & VIP of mine, Barb, who immediately referred me as a more personalized “do what it takes to get it done” realtor.  Upon first consultation, I understood what you personally needed; and provided the best strategy & advice that would achieve a sale of your home within the terms you required.

Working purposefully & diligently to offset the factors affecting the selling of your home, along with your commitment & consistency to the marketing plan combined with vital support to staying positive despite the weight of selling pressures, my promised & your awaited #SRSSOLD was achieved.  VICTORY AT LAST!!!! ✊ #SRS® #RENE

Much appreciation & thanks for your on-going and always top notch hard work, co-operation and positive commitment to my selling plan.  I am overjoyed you are now free to begin your next chapter.  Thank you so much for the trust you placed in me throughout this process.  I am beyond happy to be the one to make this awaited SRS® SOLD happen for you.  As your Seller Representative Specialist Realtor®, I am always happy to help should you or anyone you know need any assistance in the future.  Many blessing to you.  

Special thanks to Barb W., a loyal long term VIP for speaking so highly of me and recommending my style of service.  #Ilovereferrals #perfectmatch.

ABR® Smooth as “#fate” butter!!!

Congratulations to my newest VIPs’ Karen & Rhett on your ABR® new home purchase!!!

I have to say that this home purchase blog will not be filled with a crazy challenge overcome story, nor mentions of bumps, struggles, frustration, stress or heartache.  This blog is about what every Realtor® wants and strives to achieve for their buyer clients; THE PERFECT HOUSE DROPPING ON THE MARKET JUST WHEN YOU WANT IT AND A SMOOTH PURCHASE OF IT.  (More please!!!)

Not only was this quality cared for home a rare find that fit your specific criteria wants perfectly, my strategy advice for negotiations #RENE resulted in great percentage savings with Bonuses; Results uncommon in this fast paced/highly competitive/inventory shortage market.  Honestly, the only challenge I can think of for you in this entire purchase was that it all happened so fast. #FATE

Thank you so much for choosing me as your ABR® Realtor®, following my advice and trusting my guidance throughout each step of the process to ensure your success.  As a following loyal customer of mine for years plus knowing each other since high school, it truly was an honor and a great privilege assisting you in your new home purchase when the time was finally right for you; on Halloween night none the less!

Wishing you an abundance of happiness and a multitude of joyful times in your beautiful new home.  As your personal Realtor®, know I will always be here to help you, your friends and family whenever needed for years to come.


Congratulations to my newest VIP Esam & Shatha on your #SRSSOLD!!!!

It was just a simple interaction when you visited a neighbourhood garage sale hosted by one of my recent VIPs, Tiffany, whose lawn was freshly displaying her recent SRSSOLD sign, spoke highly of me and recommended my services to you when you stated your interest in possibly selling.  With confidence you reached out for market information and a seller consultation was booked. Upon deciding to sell, your house was listed with quick buyer interest and many offers came forth…..however….in real estate, offers don’t always work out, time is never your friend and selling strategies must be adapting.  Armed with over 20 years’ experience, insight & knowledge, I knew exactly what to do to steer the selling course to provide the 99% #SRSSOLD outcome you awaited and deserved.  #RENE

Thanks so much for your trust, commitment and faith in my process and advice; in real estate when things don’t go as planned it can be difficult to process, overcome and move forward correctly.  It’s been a pleasure getting to know you and work with you in your first Canadian home selling experience and provide an exceed expectation of service and value to you.  

As your Seller Representative Specialist Realtor®, I am always happy to help should you or anyone you know need any assistance in the future.  Many blessing to you & your family as you move forward onto your next life chapter.


Congratulations to my VIP Tiffany on your #ABRSOLD!!!!

It may have been a battle when selling your previous home but it was war to buy your new one.  After some highs & lows, lots of searching, talking you out of several properties that I knew were just not the right ones for you; You were out of your comfort zone…then this house hits the market.  At first you weren’t quite sure but something inside told you to see it and from the moment you walked in - you & I both knew - THIS WAS THE ONE!  However, this house was also one of the most sought after, most offered on, highest attracting/wanted houses in all of saskatoon.  You had one shot, so your offer needed to stand out and get noticed. With confidentiality and 'long story short' in mind…….The war was won and this custom built, one of a kind brick beauty is now all yours. #ABR #RENE.  Smile big and try not to think too much about all the broken hearted buyers because you & this house were meant to be.

It has been an honor and privilege representing you as your personal realtor throughout your journey of change.  Guiding, advising & fighting hard so you triumphed in the battles this crazy market thrust you into.   Thank you so much for your trust, efforts & friendship.  Huge Congratulations and may you enjoy every moment building lasting memories within the walls of your new home. It is truly a perfect fit.  I am beyond overjoyed for you. As your advisor & friend in real estate, know I am always happy to help should you, your friends/family need.  All you have to do is reach out.


Congratulations to my newest VIP Tiffany on your #SRSSOLD!!!!

While pondering a life style change and whether to enter the real estate market, I was highly referred to you by one of my VIPs Brett, a trusted source, who recommended my personality & style of real estate assistance to you as a potential good match and Brett was right!  Once you decided to JUST REACH OUT, and after many required consultations, the implementing of my advice and the decision on the best-For-You strategic way to market your property; It came as no surprise that from the moment the For Sale sign went up, it was an instant whirlwind of back to back viewings and a 2 day negotiation multi offers battle for your property.  This resulted in an over list SRS® SOLD price, putting your property mere dollars from being the highest priced mls sold property to date within the Stonebridge Common area.  A new standard level of value has been set.  OOOOOH YA! ✊ #SRS® #RENE

I am so honestly glad we had such a great connection. Thank you so much for the impeccable job you did regarding my marketing & presentation demands.  Your trust, on-going hard work, co-operation and patience was beyond appreciated.   I can’t wait to blog about our second incredibly unreal adventure together – your new home purchase!!!!....But for now, Super Big congratulations!   Sincere thanks for choosing me to be your seller representative specialist, for your respect, appreciation of my style of real estate help and the full trust you placed in me.  You know you can always count on my help if ever needed.


Congratulations to my newest VIP Brenda on your #SRSSOLD!!!!

You have been a customer & follower of my work for half my 20 year career as the right timing never was quite right for us to work together sooner. Overtime, trust between us was built as I advised you over the years. So it is with great pleasure to be able to not only finally work with you, but to #SRSSOLD your condo, via competing offers 1st day on market for maximum price. #SRS® #RENE

Thank you for trusting in my selling strategy designed specifically for your condo and implementing what was asked of you.  It’s such a pleasure to be able to exceed expectations and negotiate the best possible outcome for you. Big smiles all around.

I appreciate so much you choosing me to be your Seller Representative Specialist Realtor® and for being a loyal supporter & follower of my work.  I am always happy to help should you or anyone you know need any assistance in the future.  Many blessing to you.


Congratulations to my newest VIP Rachel on your #SRSSOLD!!!!

As a first time seller disappointed with having no previous success in achieving a sale on your property, you reached out to a friend for referral options in search of other realtors that might be able to help you.  That friend that just happened to be Warren, one of my VIPs who caringly provided multiple realtors for you to interview, myself being one of them.  Upon first consultation, we just connected.  I understood you & what you needed; and it was abundantly clear to me the best strategy & advice to provide to achieve a sale of your home at the terms you needed, despite the “out of your control” negative factor that was dominantly affecting the selling of your home. 

With time, commitment & consistency to the marketing plan, along with staying positive despite the always overshadowing negative factor, a #SRSSOLD was achieved within the terms you wanted.  VICTORY!!!! ✊ #SRS® #RENE

Thank you so much for your on-going hard work, co-operation and positive commitment to my selling plan…not to mention your shocking revelation when we were putting up the SRS® SOLD sign, that I had represented your mother many years ago and neither of us knew this the entire time!!!! #smallworld   I am so happy you are now free to take your next life steps.  I’m so appreciative of the commitment & trust you placed in me throughout this process and I am so happy to be the one to make this awaited SRS® SOLD happen for you.   Always here to help you, your friends & family whenever needed. ✌️  


Congratulations to my repeat VIPs Sharon & Augustin on your #SRSSOLD!!!!

8 years ago, as beginner buyers, you were referred to me by one of my VIPs and a strong relationship was built and has grown over the years. So, when you reached out for my help, of course I jumped into action.  Upon first consultation, you vocalized an obstacle that I knew would affect the selling of your home and so I advised a marketing plan I felt would maximize and achieve the outcome you so much desired.  Despite a few predicted buyer walkaways, 5 days after listing, your property was conditionally #SRSSOLD at market value with the outcome you so desired. #RENE  - Take that obstacle! ✊

Now with peace of mind and true excitement in your hearts.  I am overjoyed for you as you take your next exciting life step.  I appreciate so much all your hard work and co-operation you put in regarding my selling demands.  I am so grateful for the trust you placed in me to make this SRS® SOLD happen for you.  Your loyalty means a lot.  You deserve the best that life has to offer.  Live it to the fullest and embrace the journey. ❤️


Congratulations to my repeat VIPs Kim & Kelly on your #SRSSOLD!!!!

18 years ago we met. You were 1st time buyers looking for your perfect home and I was a 2 year realtor rookie still trying to make my career a success in the challenging world of Real Estate. I must have done something right because, after all this time, you are 1st time sellers of a home you have loved and I am still your personal family Realtor® who, first day on the market, had your property conditionally #SRSSOLD with a backup offer - both of which were over asking list price. This resulted in your property tying for 7th place as the most expensive property in Lawson Heights mls history EVER SOLD without a garage. BOOYA!!!! #RENE

Heartfelt Thank You for choosing me again to assist you in your real estate needs.  Words cannot describe how I feel representing you again and accomplishing such an amazing result for you.  When I spoke with you in our first consultation regarding my selling strategy of your home, you trusted me fully, executed all my demands and the result predicted happened with such gleaming success, it was like a script come to life.  It was a pleasure & honor helping you purchase this home almost 2 decades ago and I feel the same again… plus incredibly satisfied selling it for you! I truly appreciate your continual trust, support and friendship over the years.  Now you can fully move forward and officially start your new life path.


Congratulations to my newest VIP Kari on your new home purchase!!!  

Often in life, when we are on the wrong path, the universe intervenes, closing old doors and opening new pathways that will provide to you just what you need; you just have to listen and be brave enough to follow your intuition.  Well Kari, you did just that and took a path less taken and with that your perfect Realtor match was made! Enter MOI!!!!

We quickly bonded during your first consultation and I knew just how to help you to make sure your transition to a new home was a stress-less, time effective, exciting and happy experience. Taking my ABR® advice and guidelines, you were able to sort through property options and focus on the best homes to consider based on your personal transitional life criteria and as promised, I excitedly, stress-free, ABR® SOLD secured this property into your hands at a great price savings, while continually making sure from the word “Go” everything was taken care of to your full satisfaction.

Thank you so much for your trust in me as your personal guide to achieving your new home.  It was a pleasure to represent you as your ABR® RENE Realtor®.  SO glad to have met you and know I'm here to help you, your friends and family whenever you need for years to come.


I have sold a property at 1 116 Hiebert CRES in Martensville

I have just sold a property at 1 116 Hiebert CRES in Martensville.
Looking for LOW condo fees, Quality & Affordability? Look no further than this 3 bedroom 1248/2 sqft bi-level condo PLUS garage built in 2010. Offering a desirable open floor boasting 9’ ceilings, recessed pot lighting, comforting stylish paint decor, rustic earth accent curtain rods, maple cabinetry and hardwood flooring. The spacious living room with wall sized picture window provides an abundance of natural light. A quality maple wood kitchen offers a cabinet pantry, trio display shelf and 4 stainless steel appliances within a peninsula style counter with an angled dual sink & bar seating. Enjoy the off-side dining area to serve & entertain guests with convenient garden door access to your own private balcony should you have the desire to BBQ or stargaze. The ample sized main bedroom features a dual shelved closet and is within steps to the 4 piece bathroom with a triple drawer maple vanity, accent lighting & built in shelving unit. A staircase that’s accentuated by a 5 light timeless chandelier and black rod & maple wood railing leads to the lower level with 2 additional bedrooms both with above grade windows; one featuring a walk-in closet & cheater door access to an oversized 4 piece bathroom. There’s plenty of storage to be found within the under-stairs area and storage/laundry/utility room with included washer & dryer, High efficiency furnace & Van-ee heat recovery unit. Bonus features consist of central air conditioning, central vac, Ibrick & vinyl siding outer finishing which enhances street appeal & landscaped grounds. Live in quality condo style on a quiet crescent within the big little city of Martensville all while enjoying low low condo fees @ only $180 per month.
$222,500. Martensville
Categories:   Avalon, Saskatoon Area 02 Real Estate | Caswell Hill, Saskatoon Area 04 Real Estate | Caswell Hill, Saskatoon Real Estate | Confederation Park, Saskatoon Area 05 Real Estate | Confederation Park, Saskatoon Real Estate | Corman Park, Saskatoon NW Real Estate | Cudworth, Saskatoon NE Real Estate | Delisle, Saskatoon SW Real Estate | Dundonald, Saskatoon Area 05 Real Estate | East College Park, Saskatoon Area 01 Real Estate | Eastview, Saskatoon Area 02 Real Estate | Exhibition, Saskatoon Area 02 Real Estate | Fairhaven, Saskatoon Real Estate | Forest Grove, Saskatoon Area 01 Real Estate | Lakeview SA, Saskatoon Real Estate | Lakeview, Saskatoon Area 01 Real Estate | Lawson Heights, Saskatoon Real Estate | Martensville Real Estate | Massey Place, Saskatoon Area 05 Real Estate | Mayfair, Saskatoon Area 04 Real Estate | Meadow Green, Saskatoon Area 04 Real Estate | Montgomery Place, Saskatoon Area 05 Real Estate | Mount Royal, Saskatoon Area 04 Real Estate | North Park, Saskatoon Area 03 Real Estate | North Park, Saskatoon Real Estate | Nutana, Saskatoon Area 02 Real Estate | Nutana, Saskatoon Real Estate | Osler Real Estate | Pacific Heights, Saskatoon Area 05 Real Estate | Parkridge, Saskatoon Area 05 Real Estate | Pleasant Hill, Saskatoon Area 04 Real Estate | Prud'homme Real Estate | Prud'Homme, Saskatoon NE Real Estate | Saskatoon Real Estate | Silverspring, Saskatoon Area 01 Real Estate | Silverwood Heights, Saskatoon Area 03 Real Estate | Stonebridge, Saskatoon Area 02 Real Estate | Warman Real Estate | Warman, Saskatoon NW Real Estate | West College Park, Saskatoon Area 01 Real Estate | Westview Heights, Saskatoon Area 05 Real Estate
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